Friday, October 11, 2013

ONLY 5 loaves and 2 fish....

     He was probably no more than 9 or 10, walking along, swinging that lunch basket with the noon meal tucked inside. The crowd on the hillside was buzzing with excitement to hear Jesus. Curious, as most boys are, he walked over to join them. Soon, several men comb the people, looking for something specific. When they spot his basket, they ask if they can use it. He wanted to be helpful,  and offers all that he has. What happens next is the biggest surprise of his life. Those men take his small offering and feed 5000 men. "What? Five Thousand men? How can that be?" The men said it would take 8 months wages to feed everyone. He gave an ordinary, common, everyday lunch. He gave the only thing he had in his possession. And Jesus used it for something great. Because of this miracle, there were many that believed this Man was the Prophet, the Messiah, that the scriptures had promised. This little boy certainly believed. And every time he looks at that empty lunch basket, he is reminded of what happened that day on that grassy hill.

     Five loaves of barley, two small fish, a small amount. No outstanding talent, just a voice willing to worship, a few good recipes you are willing to cook, a smile that makes people feel welcome. Sometimes we don't feel like we have much to offer, but the Lord can take whatever we are willing to share and multiply it five thousand times to be used for His Kingdom. No gift given is too small for Jesus to multiply. No talent too unworthy to share. He uses all that we are willing to sacrifice for His Glory.

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." I Peter 4:10

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