Friday, August 28, 2009

Praying at the Four Way Stop

I love Facebook. But my husband doesn't, at all. He just doesn't get it. Yesterday I posted on my status that we had BLT's for lunch with fresh from the garden tomatoes. He could not understand why anyone would want to know what we ate for lunch. "How Crazy." I did get several comments, one even suggested we start a BLT FB page. Wait until I tell David. lol

I really do like Facebook, for several reasons. First, it's fun to set up a page, customize, post what you are doing, get responses. It's fun to interact with other people. In this fast paced world, it's good to send a quick message to someone, a word of encouragement, a thought, a suggestion, a verse or two of scripture. You can still communicate with people and keep in touch even though there is not a lot of extra time these days. And I will admit, our lack of time is a shame, but Facebook is a great way to compensate for that.

One of my favorite things about Facebook is the way I can keep in touch and communicate with cousins and family that don't live in our town. Just a few minutes ago I chatted with a second cousin who's mom, my first cousin, has been very sick. I got a quick update on how she was doing today. Several months ago my cousin sent messages asking us to pray for her husband's business. This economy has been extremely hard on his profession. I responded and told her I would pray. So every day when I would pass his business, I would pray for him, for his business, for his finances for him and his wife. And then she sent a message telling us she had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. So, as I prayed for his business, I began praying for her too. And some days I would not go by his business, but I would turn at the four-way stop and I would begin praying. Now that is my landmark to remind me to pray. Sometimes I add others to the list. But I know that everyday I will pray for her and her husband, because I go through that four-way stop everyday.

So, if you hear me say, "I am Praying at the Four-way stop", you will know I am praying for my cousin. And when she is well, and there are others to pray for, that will be my 'friendly' reminder to begin praying.


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